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Male, 48 years, born on 13 February 1977
Brest, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips
Junior/Middle Front-end developer
- Programmer, developer
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day
Work experience 26 years 5 months
December 2017 — currently
7 years 4 months
Karnialiuk Yu.A. Individual entrepreneur
Frontend developer
Programming experience in web and mobile projects (for iOS and Android) with React/React Native and Firebase for Canadian (Hope-mobile) and Finnish (Nano-learning https://nano-learning.herokuapp.com, AutoSPA, D-Golf) customers in group of several persons through GitHub.
Creating elements and components in React Storybook (according to design in InVision, Figma, MS PowerPoint): buttons, checkboxes, tables, dropdowns, layout components, pages, scroll menus and containers, checklists, slider etc.
Adding fonts, GoogleMap, QR-Code.
Snapshot testing for elements with Jest.
February 2016 — currently
9 years 2 months
Central Special Design Office for Climate Equipment Joint Stock Company
head of chemical laboratory
working with scientific, technical and normative documentation, including international standards (GOST, EN, ISO, IEC, ASTM), Directives EU, Best Available Techniques Reference Documents, patents, specifications, technical regulations; translations from English and French;
working in accredited laboratory / test center in accordance with test procedures and standards (Technical Normative Legal Acts); development of own test procedures, uncertainty estimation techniques, specifications, technological regulations; working with customers; training subordinates;
software development for the laboratory (Laboratory Database with Firebase in React; Source Code: https://github.com/serhijko/lab-react-firebase; Hosting URL: https://lab-react-firebase.firebaseapp.com)
February 2006 — January 2016
10 years
Central Special Design Office for Climate Equipment Joint Stock Company
leader engineer-chemist
working in accredited laboratory / test center in accordance with test procedures and standards (Technical Normative Legal Acts); development of own test procedures, uncertainty estimation techniques, technological regulations; working with customers;
software development ("rezhimki" in Basic for Application) for the test center
August 1999 — February 2006
6 years 7 months
Brest State University
Chemistry teacher
A junior member of teaching and research staff of the Chemistry Department. Conduct practical classes in Organic Chemistry. A tutor of a group of first year students of Biology Faculty.
From September 2000 fulfill responsibilities of a senior lecturer, read lectures in Analytic and Organic Chemistry. Took part in preparing teaching manuals for students. Trained schoolchildren for regional competitions in Chemistry.
November 1998 — July 1999
9 months
Brest State University
laborant assistant
when a fifth-year student worked part-time as a laboratory assistant at the Chemistry Department
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Driver's license category B
About me
precise natural sciences, music and singing, computer and programming
Higher education
A.V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Department of Energy Systems, Disperse System lab, Industrial Heat Power Engineering (graduate courses)
Brest Pushkin State University, Brest
Chemistry Department, Bio-organic chemistry, Master of Biochemistry
Biology Faculty, Teacher of Biology and Chemistry
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Belarus
Permission to work: Belarus
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter