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Was online more than two weeks ago


Female, 32 years, born on 20 March 1992

Brest, willing to relocate (Minsk, Moscow, Estonia), prepared for business trips

Content marketing specilalist, Сontent Writer

  • Journalist, correspondent
  • Copywriter, editor, proofreader

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 9 years 7 months

May 2021currently
3 years 11 months


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Content marketing Specalist
Write and edit content (blog posts, articles, case studies, and landing pages on Exadel.com, as well as other text), preparing presentations Collaborating with Agile Team (brainstorming content ideas, creating and editing content) Work with subject matter experts to include technical information in copy Research background information for IT-related content Doing SEO research (keywords), doing SEO-optimization Developing company quiz game Reaching potential customers Content examples: 1) What Metrics Should IT Companies Track To Measure Content Marketing Effectiveness? https://datafloq.com/read/what-metrics-should-it-companies-track-measure-content-marketing-effectiveness/ 2) How to Manage Cultural Differences at Work: Tips from Exadel https://exadel.com/news/how-to-manage-cultural-differences-at-work-tips-from-exadel 3) How to Prepare for a Scrum Master Interview https://exadel.com/news/how-to-prepare-for-a-scrum-master-interview 4) The Internet of Think Quiz Show https://exadel.com/quiz-show 5) Top 8 eCommerce Mobile App Builders https://techpatio.com/2022/articles/top-8-ecommerce-mobile-app-builders
October 2020currently
4 years 6 months
Startup Jedi


OpenBussiness: как превратить покупки людей в аналитику для компаний https://startupjedi.vc/ru/content/openbussiness-kak-prevratit-pokupki-lyudey-v-analitiku-dlya-kompaniy Play your life: как стартап Soberman помогает людям почувствовать себя счастливее https://startupjedi.vc/ru/content/play-your-life-kak-startap-soberman-pomogaet-lyudyam-pochuvstvovat-sebya-schastlivee
March 2020April 2021
1 year 2 months


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Content Manager
- Working with database of films and series, - business correspondence with partners, - participation in content purchase, - working with designers, ordering banners, covers, posters, - target audience analysis, preparation of collections of films and TV series for the platform VOKA, - competitor analysis.
February 2018October 2019
1 year 9 months
Federal Portal KinoAfisha.info

Saint Petersburg, kinoafisha.info

Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Correspondent, copywriter
Preparation of copyright materials: interviews with actors, film reviews, film selections, thematic announcements, film articles, reporting from the shootings. Selection of illustrations to the materials. Examples: Interviews: https://www.kinoafisha.info/news/vazhno-ne-pereborschit-s-pogoney-za-pravdopodobiem-konstantin-habenskiy-rasskazal-kinoafishe-pro-sobibor/ https://www.kinoafisha.info/news/8332100/ https://www.kinoafisha.info/news/darya-sagalova-u-vsey-semochnoy-gruppy-uletnogo-ekipazha-vo-vremya-raboty-goreli-glaza/Рер https://www.kinoafisha.info/news/my-hoteli-vossozdat-duh-gaydaevskoy-komedii-intervyu-s--prodyuserom-komedii-kanikuly-prezidenta-olgoy-andrianovoy/ Articles: https://www.kinoafisha.info/articles/den-kino-v-peterburge-kak-eto-bylo/ https://www.kinoafisha.info/articles/novinki-kino-chto-posmotret-v-iyule-2018/ https://www.kinoafisha.info/articles/10-hydshih-filmov/ https://www.kinoafisha.info/articles/zvezdnye-prichudy-10-samyh-nelepyh-trebovaniy-akterov-vo-vremya-semok/ http://celebrity.moscow/amp/10-kultovyh-kinogeroin-vljubivshih-v-sebja-mir/ Reviews: https://www.kinoafisha.info/reviews/8327367/ https://www.kinoafisha.info/movies/8329968/reviews/134/ https://www.kinoafisha.info/movies/8112234/reviews/126/ https://www.kinoafisha.info/movies/8328701/reviews/116/ https://www.kinoafisha.info/movies/8329857/reviews/108/ https://www.kinoafisha.info/movies/8329564/reviews/100/ Achievements: - learned to write advertising and CEO texts, - made professional contacts in the cinema environment.
December 2018September 2019
10 months

Saint Petersburg

intern in PR
Informational support for Lars von Trier's film, The House That Jack Built. - Writing materials for the media (Kinoafisha, RussoRosso), - creation of press kits, - monitoring of reviews in foreign and Russian media, - Registration of guests at the premiere screenings of the film.
January 2019June 2019
6 months

Saint Petersburg, blog.mednote.life

Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

- Writing promotional materials about the services of medical centers Texts: https://blog.mednote.life/authors/ekaterina-radyuk
December 2016April 2017
5 months
Online magazine "Natur Product" about an environmentally friendly lifestyle

Saint Petersburg, npmag.ru

Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Journalist, content-creator for social media
Generation of ideas and writing materials on environmental topics: -Interview with chefs, environmentalists, ecotrainers, problem articles, -thematic reviews and collections, - translation of partner materials from English into Russian, Maintaining journal accounts in social networks (vk, fb, twitter): content filling, Achievements: - learned how to prepare a context for social networks and competently submit it, - Gained experience in negotiating cooperation with partners, preparing partnership materials, mutual PR, - acquired new acquaintances in the ecological and restaurant environment of St. Petersburg, - I got acquainted with the basics of writing SEO-texts. Texts: http://np-mag.ru/dela/ludi/guzel-sanzhapova-osnovatelnica-cocco-bello-o-krem-mede-karameli-i-planax/, http://np-mag.ru/dela/otvetstvennyvybor/karpuling-podelis-svoej-mashinoj/, http://np-mag.ru/dela/ludi/denis-stark-v-rossii-est-predposylki-dlya-razdelnogo-sbora-otxodov/, http://np-mag.ru/zdorovaya-eda/kuxni-mira/kuxnya-vetnama-garmoniya-vkusa/, http://np-mag.ru/dela/otvetstvennyvybor/mikroplastik-nevidimyj-i-opasnyj/
April 2014July 2016
2 years 4 months
Publishing House Zviazda

Minsk, zviazda.by

Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Department Editor of Rodnaya Pryroda Magazine, Journalist
Editor of the department of the journal "Native Nature" (Founder: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus and Zvyazda Publishing House). Duties: - Thematic room planning, --preparation and writing of copyright materials, - interaction with freelance authors (search for authors, selection and editing of texts), - establishing partnerships with specialists from research institutes and organizations, environmental NGOs, schools and universities, libraries, - proofreading and editing of finished materials, - maintaining publication accounts on social networks (vk, fb), filling content, - conducting field PR-events (lectures, master classes) - Maintaining an author's column about environmental habits. In parallel, she worked as a journalist in the newspaper "Zvyazda", wrote copyright materials on topics: family, youth, ecology.My Texts: http://zviazda.by/be/tags/kacyaryna-radzyuk http://zviazda.by/be/news/20160811/1470863717-vyaliki-i-tousty-lory-lyubimy-praunuk-yaki-gulyae-pa-nachah, http://zviazda.by/be/news/20150924/1443047286-pachuc-pesnyu-pchol-albo-chamu-ekanamist-stau-pa-drevah-lazic, http://zviazda.by/be/news/20160719/1468920656-derevya-v-gorode-zhertvy-obrezki-i-uplotnitelnoy-zastroyki, http://zviazda.by/be/news/20160407/1460031150-travyanoy-katalog-chem-primechatelen-belorusskiy-gerbariy. Achievements: - development of an author’s master class for students to reduce the ecological footprint, - maintaining the author’s environmental column, - cooperation of the magazine with state and non-governmental environmental organizations, - organization of workshops and open lessons in ecology, - development of contests, quizzes for readers, - A collected pool of freelance journalists.


Skill proficiency levels
Написание текстов
Написание статей
Корректура текстов
Социальные сети
Английский язык
Написание пресс-релизов
Редактирование текстов
Поиск информации в интернет
Организация мероприятий
Грамотная речь
Наполнение контентом
Редакторская деятельность
Литературное редактирование
навык работы с большим объемом информации
Письменный перевод
Высокая скорость печати
SEO оптимизация

Driving experience

Driver's license category B

About me

I am fond of cinema. I'm blogging on Instagram @filmhedonist. I have experience organizing youth events: Film club, English Speaking Club, as well as escorting foreign delegations (Thailand): meeting, buying tickets, hosting events, simultaneous and written translation (from English into Russian). I'm a chess player. Currently learning French and screenwriting. I like to learn new things and develop myself, even if for this I need to get out of my comfort zone.

Higher education

Институт журналистики БГУ
печатные СМИ, печатные СМИ



EnglishC1 — Advanced

PolishA1 — Basic

RussianC2 — Proficiency

SpanishA1 — Basic

UkrainianC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

Институт журналистики БГУ
БГУ, "Основы кинокритики"

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Belarus

Permission to work: Belarus

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter